When planning a funeral, there are so many things that you and your family will want to add. You will already have to select the plot, the clothes they will wear, the casket or urn, a vault, and other necessary things. But when it comes to the funeral itself, and the atmosphere of the funeral, that is also up for the family to decide on. This is where personalized services come in. While these are not new, they are starting to be used with more regularity. A personalized service is a funeral service that allows for the funeral to be something that the deceased would have loved. It can contain all their favorite things if that’s what they or you so choose to do. If you and your family are looking for more information about having a wonderful, personalized service, you can contact funeral homes in Harvey, LA. They would love to hear from you.
The first thing to know about personalized services is that they are not too different from a regular funeral. They will have the same flow, but what is different is that there is more of a personal touch added to the event. You and your family will be in control of the creative aspect of the funeral.
When it comes to personalizing a funeral service, there is no shortage of ideas that you and your family can select from. If what you are suggesting is appropriate, you will be able to do it.
Photos – A great way to personalize the funeral of your loved one is to have guests bring in photos. These could be photos that have them and the deceased or just the deceased. If you get enough photos, you could create a scrapbook if your guests aren’t against parting with the photos.
Memory Bank/Wall – You could have your guest write down their favorite memories with the deceased. It could be something they did when they were kids, teens, or adults. Once you’ve done that, put those memories in a jar, or pin them to a wall.
Sports/Teams – Many people love sports or a particular sports team. It would be a fun idea to incorporate that team into their funeral somehow. Could be through wearing a jersey to the funeral, or by making sure that you add in the team’s colors somehow.
Things They Enjoyed – If your loved one had any hobbies or things that they enjoyed, you could figure out a way to add that in and that would be a really good touch. It would be a lot of fun to have that as part of the funeral.
Music – There will most likely be music at any funeral, but with a personalized funeral, you can have the music that your loved one enjoyed.
If you and your family are interested in learning more about personalized services and what it takes to have one, you can contact funeral homes in Harvey, LA. They would love to answer any questions that you may have.